# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc) default_config: # Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc. # http: # base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123 # Text to speech tts: - platform: google_translate group: !include groups.yaml automation: !include automations.yaml script: !include scripts.yaml scene: !include scenes.yaml mqtt: broker: IP-АДРЕС-БРОКЕРА-mosquitto port: НОМЕР-ПОРТА-mosquitto-(обычно_1883) username: ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЬ-В-mosquitto password: ПАРОЛЬ-ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ-В-mosquitto switch: - platform: mqtt unique_id: ArdClient name: "ArdClient_LED" icon: mdi:light-switch state_topic: "/r1" command_topic: "/r1" payload_on: "1" payload_off: "0" state_on: "1" state_off: "0" qos: 0 retain: true